Let's Build UI Newsletter #2
Happy New Year! Today we have some good reads and another article announcement.
Welcome to issue #2!
Happy New Year! Today we have some good reads and another article announcement.
🚨 New Content Alert
An article was recently published on Let's Build UI!
Last week, A Rotating Word Wheel Interaction was published. In this article, you'll learn how to position items around a midpoint and rotate them while scrolling the page.
Many thanks to The Collective Newsletter by Codrops for featuring the article.
âž• What's New in the Frontend Universe
To begin the new year, the 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars report was released. This report has all kinds of interesting stats about what happened last year in Javascript-land. HTMX really took off in popularity, shadcn/ui
took 1st in the "Most Popular Projects Overall" category and React still remains #1 for Frontend Frameworks.
📚 Interesting Reads
- In this article, Swyx discusses the "Third Age of Javascript". The blog post itself was published a few years ago, but it's still relevant and interesting to see how things have played out since then.
- In Understanding React Concurrency, learn about the new concurrency features that React 18 has to offer.
- Last year certainly was the year of AI, and over 1,500 tech people had a lot to say about it. Check out the 2023 State of AI report.
🧰 Cool Tools
Helpful tools from around the web. These links are not sponsored.

✨ Tips & Tricks
Have you ever tried using VS Code snippets to help automate tedious tasks in your workflow? You can create snippets for almost anything - scaffolding components, writing functions, CSS media queries and much more! Anything with boilerplate can be auto-filled for you with just a few keystrokes!
To learn more, check out Automating Your Workflow With Code Snippets.
👋 The End
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